Stan Sellers, Ty Fance, and I will be celebrating Dads (ours, our kids’, yours, and many others) on June 18 with a special presentation of The Father ‘Hood on Saturday, June 18—the day before Father’s Day.
The show starts at 7:30 and tickets are just $5.
The Story Salon at The Art Parlor
5302 Laurel Canyon Bl.
Valley Village, CA 91607 (MAP)
What is The Father ‘Hood? It’s an evolving collection of stories about having a Dad to figuring out what it means to be Dad.
This show has changed each time we’ve performed it. It started with more stand-up, and later moved to a more serious introspective look at some of the hardships of father-dom. This newest—and possibly final—production will allow us to share recollections of times spent enjoying our Dads and being Dads.
I don’t think I’d’ve taken this trip with just anyone. Stan and Ty have been the perfect fellow fathers. From our first idea meetings to synching our working schedules, we always managed to support one another even when creative people can find much to argue about. Starting with the improvisational power of “Yes, and” as well as coming to the heartfelt trusted “I don’t think that’s gonna work,” these guys and their opinions have all been an intricate part of the process. Can’t forget Tony Robinson who helped us so much by directing many facets of the two different play versions. I know I couldn’t have put together my monologues and “act outs” without his help in breaking my performance down and building it back up,
Like being in a family, or helping to raise one, everything wasn’t always smooth, but it has been a great growth experience. If this is the last one we do, it’s been a lot of fun, laughter, and learning. Finally coming to this version of comedy/play/story about our unique and universal takes fatherhood. Thanks for the ride, and come to enjoy The Father-hood in its latest iteration.