“It’s better to give than to receive…” I’ve heard that many times, and to be honest (I know, I know—why start now with the whole honesty thing?), I often try to espouse that ideal. I’d be a better person and the world would probably be a better place if everyone worked under this adage. (I am not talking to you, Zika-spreading mosquitos or brain-eating zombies. Keep your diseases to yourselves.) I’m talking about all the good stuff we can give to others.
Now I understand that sometimes, it should be all about you. Like your birthday (until you get old enough to stop having them, which in my case will never happen! “Young at heart forever” unite!) and if you’re in the Olympics, don’t let the other team break the tape just because you’re, y’know, a giver.
I’m a guy who has a great deal of talent in my address book. I should not keep all this goodness to myself. I’m gonna devote some blog space sharing some of this talent with my readers. With a nod to my economics degree (since I’ve hardly used it outside of college) and my ½ a cup of coffee job spent in a brokerage firm (Shout-out to Bakeman, Ikler, Hill, Richards) where I cold-called for a broker until I earned a few laughs and $12.20 from comedy and resigned. I’ll start in L.I.F.O.: Last in, first out.
I just bought a book called Kat’s Daily Cups: A Collection of Stories about Children, Animals & Inspiration by my dear funny friend Kat Simmons who has always been an inspiration for me. I bought my copy from direct from Kat’s website and she signed it. That’s right, she inscribed it like she knew me, which will be cool when I show it off.
If you have an extra minute, buy direct by contacting Kat via her website. You will get a signed copy and she’ll get a bit more of the cover price in her pocket.
Can’t kick your Amazon addiction? That’s okay, Kat’s Daily Cups is on Amazon as well. You can even buy her “little blue book” right from the publisher. (Nothing against this fad called “the internet,” but ecommerce sites do take a chunk of the artist’s revenues. Talk about a lousy agent!)
In future blog posts, I’ll share more about my talented, creative friends. That’s what I call pleasurable giving.