No matter how long it’s been around, Viagra is still making news…
I just heard (and by “heard” I mean read…) that the OLYMPICS are banning Viagra… And I thought I’d missed something, like when did SEX become an Olympic sport…? I just know whenever we’re involved in that particular “SPORT” our-selves, we ALL think we can bring home the gold…
That’s not the end of it… the NFL is currently testing players for VIAGRA, to see if they (the NFL) need(s) to ban it…
Which means they’re thinkin’… it’s CURRENTLY BEING USED by players for games. I understand that Viagra is classified as a performance enhancing drug and I can see why they’d want to ban it: couple team mates on that stuff would make the huddle a little awkward; HEY… that’s a cup, right, ‘cause I don’t want you “happy to see me?”
As they say: “Next thing you know…” they’ll have penalties for too much heavy breathing on the field… Whole new meanin’ and a great deal of confusion to havin’ your butt slapped after a touchdown… WAIT… do you mean that for a “good play” or is that meant as “good foreplay”… ??
First steroids, then Viagra… maybe the cheap seats away from the field are a better bargain than I thought…